1 E. First St
+1 775-334-4636

Master Plan Process

The Reimagine Reno process will ultimately result in the development and adoption of an updated Reno Master Plan — a plan that will guide decision-making, investment, and program development for the City of Reno into the future.

The Reimagine Reno process is divided into two main phases of work.

Phase I encompassed information gathering on issues and opportunities facing the City, and an evaluation of the City’s existing Master Plan to identify what is working well and what needs to be rethought.

  • Externally, our goal was to include at least 4,000 people in the input process. We succeeded in reaching almost 6,000 people!
  • Internally, City staff worked with Clarion and Associates, our consultant, to review and assess the current policies against best practices from across the nation.

Phase I will took place from April 2015 to January 2016 and resulted in the following work products:

Phase II encompasses drafting updates to the content of the Master Plan document to incorporate the new goals, vision and ideas gathered during Phase I, as well as obtaining approvals from the Reno Planning Commission and the Reno City Council on the policy content contained in the updated plan.

Phase II is expected to take place from January 2016 through mid-2017 and is separated into four tasks.

  • Task 1: Plan Foundations, February to June 2016
    • Develop Public Participation Plan document that maps public engagement activities during Phase II
    • Draft the vision, guiding principles and goals for the updated Master Plan document
    • Perform further housing analysis to understand housing demand and needs, particularly around affordability
    • Perform analysis on economic development opportunities
  • Task 2: Focus Area Opportunities and Key Choices, July to December 2016
    • Explore growth related issues and key choices in different focus areas
    • Test growth scenarios and key policy choices citywide
    • Analyze impacts to existing infrastructure and services, as well as Reno’s ability to serve future development, given different growth and policy scenarios
    • Develop preliminary draft policy framework
  • Task 3: Draft and Final Plan, December 2016 to August 2017
    • Draft updated Master Plan document
    • Public review of draft Master Plan, Future Land Use Plan and Implementation Strategy
  • Task 4: Plan Adoption, September to November 2017
    • Finalize adoption draft Master Plan document
    • Create a Master Plan summary brochure
    • Targeted code assessment
    • Public hearings
    • Adoption by Reno City Planning Commission and Reno City Council

Phase II of the Master Plan update process will again be supported by consultants from Clarion & Associates and Economic and Planning Systems (EPS).

What's Happening
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