1 E. First St
+1 775-334-4636

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan is an evolving, long-range policy document that shows a community as it is and recommends how it should exist in the future. A Master Plan represents the overall vision of a city and has two fundamental purposes. It provides a legal basis for land use regulation such as zoning and building. It also presents a unified and compelling vision for a community, derived from the aspirations of its citizens, and establishes specific policies necessary to fulfill that vision. Master Plans typically address land uses, densities, neighborhoods and housing, transportation, parks and open space, community facilities, the environment, and economic development. Reno’s Master Plan process is initiated by the Reno Planning Commission and acknowledged by the Reno City Council.

When did the City last update the Master Plan?

The last time the City undertook a full comprehensive community engagement process to produce a Master Plan was 1994-1997. Since then, we have done internal updates approximately every 5 years, with a significant update occurring in 2007. These updates were to bring the City’s Master Plan into conformity with new State laws and the area’s Regional Plan, which is overseen by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency.

What is the City of Reno’s timeframe for the Master Plan update?

Our best estimate is that it will require approximately two years to complete the public-input process, internal review, and creation of new or revised policies that reflect the community’s vision. We are doing the Master Plan update in two phases. Learn more about the two-phase process.

How will the input I provide at these meetings be used?

All of the input gathered through the Reimagine Reno surveys and focus groups will be compiled and posted on this website. It will also be shared with the City Planning Commission and City Council and will become the basis for identifying key issues and opportunities facing the City and the key choices the community will need to make in Phase II of the Master Plan update process. Learn more about the two-phase process.

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Ensure you are signed-up for the ReImagine Reno newsletter to receive monthly project updates to your inbox. You will learn about new reports and opportunities to provide input on interim work products at key points during Phase II of the Master Plan update.

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